Monday, October 6, 2008

Gavin's Adventure

It's time to tell you about my car, Gavin. He is a very reliable, but a very beat up and old car. I love him, especially since he doesn't require a monthly fee, but this guy just won't retire! I keep thinking that he won't make another 20,000 miles, but he just keeps chugging along! People constantly stop me to let me know that my hood is open. I have to tell them, not it's not. It is, but it just won't shut! Fender Bender...

Last week when I was out of town for work, I was driving Gavin back to the hotel for the night. We were driving down a pitch black road that was 2 lanes and under construction, when BOOM, Gavin drove over a deer. No, we did not hit and kill a deer. I would have cried forever and taken that one to the grave with me. The deer was already dead, but we sure did drive completely over it! Boy did Gavin fly!!!

I immediately checked the rear view mirror to see if either the deer was still with me, or if a part of Gavin was still with the deer. Luckily, both parties were where they should be.

I called Jason to tell him what happened because I was so freaked out and he said to look on the bright side, that I didn't run over a buck with huge antlers! That may have been the demise of Gavin.

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