Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sushi, anyone?

While visiting friends in McKinney, Texas over Christmas, Jason and I learned how to make sushi! It was so much fun and REALLY yummy! We made all of my favorite rolls and even wasabi soup. Jason and I couldn't wait to get back to Houston and try it ourselves.

Our sushi chef-teacher, Cory

Jason, looking so handsome while he makes sushi rolls!

I was so excited to have successfully made my first roll...can you tell?

We decided to give it a try on New Years Eve. We went to World Market to buy some cute sushi plates and tools, then we headed to HEB for all of the food and then headed back home for all of the work. Jason definitely took the lead on this one and handled most of the prep work, but it was a great joint effort because I took on the task of cleaning the kitchen afterwards!

Working away...

Concentrating so hard...

Almost done...

And the final good!

1 comment:

Sarah B. said...

YUM! When ya having us over for sushi? Just kidding! Though, seeing your post sure made me want to pick some up for the fam.